- How do I manually create a new purchase order?
- How does tax work on the purchase order?
- How and when can I edit an existing draft purchase order?
- Can I edit a confirmed purchase order?
- How can I print or send an order confirmation to my supplier?
- Where can I see my list of goods receipts for the purchase order?
- What happens in Xero when I create a purchase order?
Adding a purchase order
There are several ways to add a new purchase order:
- From under the Purchase menu select Add Order.
- From your Purchase Order List page, select the Add PurchaseOrder link from the bottom of the list.
Enter or edit supplier, address and order fields
Only the supplier, billing address, warehouse address and at least 1 product line are required if you want to save the order as a draft.
- Supplier
- Select the person or organisation you are creating the purchase order for. If the supplier does not exist in the dropdown options, then select the green plus
icon to add a new supplier.
- Billing Address
- You can select an existing billing address for the supplier. Add a new Billing Address by selecting the green plus
icon, if the address doesn't appear in the dropdown list.
- Warehouse
- If you have multiple warehouses, then you can select an Own or 3PL type warehouse, otherwise this will default to your primary warehouse. The address of the warehouse will auto-populate.
- Required Delivery Date
- Not a mandatory field, but it should default to today’s date. You can change this for future dated deliveries.
- Payment Terms
- Choose from the dropdown values.
- Supplier Contact
- Select an existing supplier contact or select the green plus
icon to add a new contact. Enter the supplier contact details such as Name , Email and Phone Numbers.
Enter the products, pricing and taxes etc
By default we provide three product line rows ready for use.
Add more product lines by selecting the Add New Line(s) link. Delete product lines by selecting the X icon, at the end of the product line. Alternatively, just remove or change a product by selecting the X icon next to the product name.
- Product Lines
- Use can add as many product lines as you like to the order, but each product can only be listed once. If you need to, you can apply different tax rates to each product line on the purchase order. You can also override any price, with your own including $0.00, but not a negative amount. You can tab between fields and lines if you don’t like your mouse. Any unused/blank lines will be ignored when you create/update the order.
- Product
- Select the product you are buying by either typing in the product code, name, or by selecting the search icon on the right hand side of the product name or by scanning in the barcode.
- You can also search on partial matches and a shortlist of potential products should be displayed.
- Supplier Product Code
- If you associated any suppliers against your products, then the Supplier Product Code will be populated whenever the supplier is selected. Selecting a supplier with associated products, will also automatically populate a few other key product line fields.
- This will default to the UOM (Unit of Measure) saved against the product.
- Quantity
- Type in the quantity of the product you are buying.
- Notes
- Add in any specific notes in relation to the line, for example any packing instructions.
- Price
- This will be defaulted from the product information stored against the product but can be changed in the purchase order. If you make a change to the Price , this will not update the default Price stored against the product.
- Tax Rate
- This will be defaulted from the tax rate information stored against the product but can be changed in the purchase order. If you make a change to the Price in the purchase order, this will not update the default tax rate stored against the product.
- Add Notes
- Order Notes (Public) Add any notes you want displayed on the order and visible to the supplier on the printed PDF. You can add up to 2000 characters.
Order Notes (Private) Add any privates notes you want associated with the order that will only be visible to you. You can add up to 2000 chararcters. - Save as Draft
- Select this to save your order with a Draft status for you to come back and edit at a later stage.
- Confirm
- When you Confirm the Purchase Order, this will allow you to print or email the purchase order to your supplier. The purchase order will be in an Awaiting Receipt status. You can still make changes when it is in this status.
- Tradevine has a standard purchase order email, but you can create your own customised email template.
- Cancel
- Changes you have made will not be saved. You can return to this screen at any time.
How does tax work on the purchase order?
When you create a purchase order we will try to best guess the tax settings for the order, to get you started.
The setting of the Tax Applicable checkbox is based on a couple of factors. The first is dependent on the country of your organisation defined on the Organisation Details screen.
The second factor is the country of the suppliers billing address. So if the country on the purchase order matches the country of your organisation, then the Tax Applicable checkbox will be selected.
The Prices are field is a dropdown and has a similar set of smarts to the Tax Applicable checkbox. Providing the Tax Applicable checkbox is selected, then the Prices are dropdown will default to Tax inclusive. You can then optionally override the Prices are dropdown at any time to include/exclude taxes.
The taxes applied to each of the products is firstly based on the Prices are dropdown and subsequently on the Tax Rate field on each product. The tax rate on the product will only be invoked if the Prices are dropdown is set to Tax inclusive.
Each product line total is based on the Prices are setting and the Tax Rate for the product. The totals for the Price and the Total fields for each product will include any taxes if they have been applied.
The Tax Rate for each product is only editable, if Tax Applicable is selected.
The Sub Total ex. tax will always display the tax exclusive total, regardless of any taxes applied.
Editing a draft purchase order
To edit one of your purchase orders either select the sales order from the purchase order list or use the universal search to find the order by searching on the purchase order number.
You can edit the details of most of the fields if the order is still in a Draft status. Once the order has been created a goods receipt panel will be displayed below the Notes. The panel will display all the goods receipts for the order.
The Received column will always display a count of the quantities received to date for each product.
There are a few extra buttons available once a purchase order has been saved. See below.
- Save as Draft
- Select this to save your order with a Draft status for you to come back and edit at a later stage.
- Confirm
- When you Confirm the purchase order, this will print or email the purchase order. The purchase order will be in an Awaiting Receipt status. You can still make changes when it is in this status.
- Tradevine has a standard purchase order email, but you can create your own customised email templates.
- Cancel Order
- Select this if you want to cancel the purchase order. You can cancel an order and any outstanding quantities if you have received part of the order already. The order will then be updated with a status of Completed with Cancellations.
- Cancel
- Changes you have made will not be saved. You can return to this screen at any time.
Reconfirming a purchase order
You can edit the details of most of the fields if the order has been confirmed and is in an Awaiting Receipt status. The fields and their inputs are essentially the same as those defined for when adding a product.
There are a few extra buttons available once a purchase order has been saved. See below.
- Reconfirm
- You can make changes to the purchase order while it is in the Awaiting Receipt status, and then Reconfirm to save those changes.
- Cancel Order
- Select this if you want to cancel the purchase order. You can cancel an order and any outstanding quantities if you have received part of the order already. The order will have a status of Completed with Cancellations.
- Cancel
- Changes you have made will not be saved. You can return to this screen at any time.
Goods receipts
Once an order has moved into the Awaiting Receipt status, a goods receipt will automatically be created and displayed as a link in a Goods Receipts panel at the bottom of the purchase order, as shown below. More than one goods receipt will be created if you received any partial deliveries of the goods. Select the Goods Receipt link to view the detail of the goods receipt.
Deleting a purchase order
Currently it is not possible to delete a purchase order. You can cancel a purchase order at any time providing it has not been completed.
You can tag a purchase order as archived by editing the order and applying an Archived label.