Steps after importing active listings

There are a few things you should do, now that you've successfully imported your active listings from Trade Me as products into Tradevine.

  1. Turn off auto-listing until you have fully set up and configured your products in Tradevine.
  2. Configure the inventory tracking, stock levels, product codes and cost prices for each product. Because Trade Me does not keep a record of your cost prices or your stock levels, you will need to set the cost price and the stock level for each product. If you intend to track the inventory for each product, then you should turn on the inventory tracking and set the stock count for each product. If you have a handful of products, then you can easily do these edits by manually editing each product, otherwise we recommend that you export your products out to a file;make the adjustments and reimport the file. You may have to export a product information file, as well as a separate product inventory file if you intend to track your inventory. To recap, here is what you may need to edit on each product:
    • The product code.
    • The cost price.
    • The Inventory tracking.
    • The stock level.
  3. Set the HVL (High Volume Listing) threshold, so that you don't pick up any unexpected listing fees for exceeding your weekly listing allowance on Trade Me.
  4. Review your default listing options, since you can configure the finish time, finish day or duration of each product listing. You can also configure your listing options specifically for each product via each products Listing Rules on the Selling Channels tab. Any override settings on the product will take precedence over the default settings.
  5. Review the photos to be assigned to each new listing, by editing the photos on the Photos tab of the product, since we may have also imported some of your old photos.
  6. Turn your auto-listing back on.