My Profile

Change your profile details

Use the My Profile screen to change your own details, including your name, your default organisation, phone numbers, and your preferred startup screen for when you log into Tradevine. To access My Profile, select either the link with your name at the top of the screen or by selecting the Settings cog icon and then My Profile.

Enter or modify your profile details

Change password
You are able to change your password on this screen.
Startup Page
You can set the screen you want Tradevine to display when you first login. You can also navigate back to your default startup screen at anytime by clicking on the Tradevine logo in the header banner.
Default Organisation
You can change the organisation if you have more than one organisation registered for your email address on Tradevine. If you are only registered for one organisation then you are not able to change this at all.
Session Timeout (Minutes)
The session time-out can be set to a maximum of 240 mins which is 4 hours. By default the session time-out is set to 30mins.
Display only. This field indicates the role that has been assigned to you. If you created the Tradevine account, you will automatically be created as an Administrator.