Import fields – sales orders

This page details all the import fields for when you import your sales order records from a file. The steps to import your sales orders are covered on another page.

This page should help you format the data in a way that we are expecting so that we can successfully upload your data.

Very few of the fields are mandatory. When importing, you do not have to hook up every import field or include data for every field. Generally blank data is either defaulted or ignored.

You can download a blank import template file to use to import your sales orders. Once you have downloaded this file, feel free to rename it with any name, but you must save it as a csv type file, not an xls or xlsx type file.

You can also download an example file with example data. Do not use this file to import with.

An example of how to format your pricing values is available.

You can also view a quick heads up on the data types. This is useful for evaluating any import errors.

Identifier fields

Order Reference
Is a mandatory field. 40 characters max. This field will be used as the Customer Reference.

Order detail fields

Order Grand Total
The total amount of the sales order. If there are multiple product lines, then just repeat this amount for each product line.
Customer First Name
If this is a business, then insert the entire company name as the first name. Otherwise, insert the persons first name.
Customer Last Name
This should be a surname if the order is for a person, but not a business name. The field can be left blank if the order is for a business.
Customer Email
The email address of the customer.
Billing Address Line 1
Generally this is the number and street of the billing address. Otherwise, the Box number or private bag etc.
Billing Address Line 2
An additional line for detailing the billing address.
Billing Address Line 3
An additional line for detailing the billing address.
Billing Address Town
The town or city.
Billing Address Post Code
The post code or ZIP.
Billing Address Region
The region, province or state.
Billing Address Country
The country.
Shipping Address Same As Billing
If the billing and shipping addresses are the same, then simply insert either Y, Yes, True or 1.
Shipping Address Line 1
This is the number and street of the shipping address. For courier deliveries this should not be a PO Box or private bag.
Shipping Address Line 2
An additional line for detailing the shipping address.
Shipping Address Line 3
An additional line for detailing the shipping address.
Shipping Address Town
The town or city.
Shipping Address Post Code
The post code or ZIP.
Shipping Address Region
The region, province or state.
Shipping Address Country
The country.
Shipping Method
This should be explicitly one of the following:
  • Courier
  • Post
  • Collection
  • Free Shipping
  • Own Transport
  • Freight
Requested Shipping Date
This is likely to be the same as the created date, unless the goods are to be shipped at a future date. We prefer the format YYYY-MM-DD, but will also accept DD/MM/YYYY. Eg, 2012-11-29 or 29/11/2012
Order Shipping Amount
The total cost of shipping for the order.
Order Shipping Description
This could be a description of the shipping method, shipping type or code.
Order Shipping Tax Percent
The percentage of tax applied to the shipping for the total order. This is not the tax applied to each product line.
Order Shipping Tax Amount
The amount of tax applied to the shipping for the total order. This is not the tax applied to each product line.
Payment Method
This should be explicitly one of the following:
  • Bank Transfer
  • Cash
  • Credit Card
  • Cheque
  • Escrow
  • PayPal
  • Other
Is Payment Received
Denotes whether the sales order has been fully paid.
Payment Reference
This field is generally only used in conjunction with a Payment Method of Other. For Trade Me sales this will be the listing number. For Shopify sales this will be the Shopify order number.
Is Manually Approved
Defines whether the sales order or any of the products on the sales order require manual approval.
Payment Terms
This should be explicitly one of the following:
  • Immediate
  • Cash
  • 7 days
  • 14 days
  • 21 days
  • 28 days
  • 30 days
  • 60 days
  • 90 days
  • 20th of month following invoice
Public Notes
These are the notes that are visible to the customer/buyer on the packing slip and invoice etc. A maximum of 4000 characters is permitted.
Private Notes
These are the notes that are never visible to the customer/buyer. A maximum of 4000 characters is permitted.
Is Tax Applicable
This defines if taxes are applied to the sales order.
Order Discount Amount
This is the discount amount to apply to the sales order. It is not percentage based.
Prices Tax Inclusive
Defines whether the taxes on the product line items are to be displayed with or without tax.
Label List
Optional. The names of any labels to apply to the sales order. Separate multiple labels with comma's. Labels which include a comma should be enclosed in double quotes.
Eg, Novelty Item, "Asia, Europe", Fragile

Order line fields

Product Code
This is a product code which must already exist in your Tradevine organisation. Each product code cannot be duplicated for each sales order.
The quantity for each product on the sales order.
Unit Price
This is the Sell Price for each product. It is the total price of the product multiplied by the quantity. If Prices Tax Inclusive was set to Yes, then ensure the Unit Price is tax inclusive. Otherwise, it should be tax exclusive.
Tax Code
For each product this is the tax code to apply to each product. We are typically looking for an explicit match on: GST, None, Exempt or Zero. A couple of the rarer ones are: VAT or REDUCED.
Tax Percent
The tax percentage to apply to the product. This can sometimes be zero.
Tax Line Amount
The amount of tax applied to the product.
Line Note
These are the product notes, which are only displayed on the sales order's packing slip and invoice etc.

Pricing Example

Your sales orders will only import if all the pricing values balance. One column to pay attention to is Prices Tax Inclusive. This determines whether your prices to import, do or don't include tax. In the example below there are 5 sales orders to import with various combinations of tax, line items, discounts and shipping.

Screenshot SO Import Pricing Example

If you have tax applied and your prices are tax inclusive, then your values should be tax inclusive and the calculation will be something like (Quantity x Unit Price) – Discount + Order Shipping Amount.

If your prices are tax exclusive, then your values should be tax exclusive and the calculation will be something like ((Quantity x Unit Price) + Tax Percent) – (Discount + Tax Percent) + (Order Shipping Amount + Order Shipping Tax Percent).

Data formats

Never heard the term before, you pass the "I'm not a geek" test. These are essentially true or false values. Eg, TRUE, Yes, Y, 1 or FALSE, No, N, 0
These are basically monetary values or decimal values represented as just numbers and an optional period character. Eg, 10 or 10.1234. If the field is a monetary type field, we can sometimes also handle the currency character. Eg, $10.12
These are numbers within the range -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. We tend to be interested in the positive numbers within this range.
Short Integer
These are numbers within the range -32,768 to 32,767. We tend to be interested in the positive numbers within this range.